Monday, 12 March 2012

My Facebook Page :D

Hey everyone!!! :D

I'm just letting you all know that if you want to see more of my photography than my blogs, check out my photography page on facebook!!

There is so much more on there than here, and it would be great for more people to see it! :)

I would appreciate it muchly if you also support me with that.

So here's the link for my photography page on facebook:

Cheers! :)

Samantha Walton Xx

Beautiful Flaws

You'll find this beautiful picture on my facebook page (Samantha Walton Photography) in the album "Imperfection (High Quality).

This photo is one of my favourites, it's so simple. It's just of a dead rose bud, but even the most ugliest things of nature can make such beautiful photos. 

I guess the message that I'm trying to bring across is that even with your flaws and your insecurities, you ARE beautiful and you ALWAY'S will be. 

If someone does let you down, don't let their horrible scarring words get you down, and don't fight back because that brings you down to their level!


You ARE so beautiful in every single way!!

Friday, 9 March 2012

The Love of Nature

I just L.O.V.E this picture!! I find it so fascinating how nature can do such amazing things, and this photo is just a perfect example. This image of mine is on my facebook page in one of my albums called "Imperfection (High Quality)".

The leaf in this photo is quite interesting, it is in the shape of a heart and then in the centre where an insect has nibbled, it looks like as if that is a heart too! I love it. Nature is so beautiful!!

Samantha Xx

Ocean Shack

This photo is one of my favourites that I have produced. I took this photo in Beachlands, Geraldton, Western Australia. It wasn't sunrise or sunset, it was just the use of knowing your light. 

I just love this photo too because it's simple, and there isn't a lot to focus on and sometimes, simple is best.  :)

To you....

Here's a little quote for you all from me. <3

"In life it's best to live it to the fullest. I've learnt that even though you might of tried your best to achieve in everything, you can't always succeed, but you can always do your best. I've also learnt that you can never choose your family, but you can choose your friends, so choose wisely, but love the family you have. My life has been full of many mistakes, and most times, it's things that I can never fix fast, but mend slowly. Whether it's getting to work, or putting your trust into someone, everything takes time." ~Samantha Walton